NIRAVASI Devlog 23/03/2021: Future Prospects


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Hey everyone,

Once more, we enter another Weekly Devlog update for NIRAVASI. The end of March will soon be upon us and with it, the ending of this game's Kickstarter Campaign. Yesterday, I made a post stating that the campaign will be ending on March 27th 2020. I want to thank all of you that backed/followed the project so far, as well as play the game's demo for yourselves and offer me integral feedback on how the game looks/feels/scares. Without your assistance, the game definitely wouldn't be what it is now (surprising, considering the game's not even out yet). If you haven't done so already, please feel free to spread the word on NIRAVASI to your friends/family/colleagues/rivals if you haven't done so already. The last 48 hours of a Kickstarter project are perhaps the most important of a campaign, so let's knock this beast out of the park, shall we? Anyway, let's temper expectations a little and start talking more about Ishani Bazaar, as well as what to expect next week.



A Grim Tale

As I've mentioned before in previous Devlogs, the next area that players will explore after the Stepwell of Dhara Hanirr is the Ishani Bazaar, which acts as a starting point for your adventure into the cursed city proper. As you might've been able to tell from both the Kickstarter Campaign and occasional teases I post on my social media channels, Ishani Bazaar is far more modern in its design that the moniker of "ancient city" would let on. Within this place, you'll find trainlines that are still running, flashy convenience stores, an old cinema plex and even a quaint little park. All of this will eventually lead the player into gaining access to the Athenaeum, the reliquary of knowledge for the humans that lived in the city, as well as the very next level players can expect to see in-game.

But you won't be the only one exploring these once bustling streets. As you might expect, the city is under constant watch by a crazed artificial intelligence that wants you super-dead. You should be thankful though as AEON does not have direct access to any of the machines in Ishani Bazaar. The artificial intelligence was installed fairly late in the lifecycle of the humans that lived in Niravasi, so he was not properly installed in these lower segments. However, to compensate for this short-coming, AEON has dispatched many robotic proxies to patrol its streets and maintain order. You've seen them already, but now they'll be even more deadly. For most of the Proxies and Sentries you find in Ishani Bazaar, they'll all be linked to AEON. If a single one detects you, CALI the Harvester will be alerted to your position and will be there in half-a-minute's time. The only way to escape it (other than to die, but who wants that?) is to get yourself into a Protection Shelter. These cool devices will be able to protect you from the Harvester's rage and allow some breathing room for the players to regain their composure.

Finally, there will also be other secrets that'll obstruct your path within Ishani Bazaar. I don't want to spoil any details here, but just know that the idea of supernatural forces being present in the city shouldn't be batted away as just being superstitious nonsense. You are standing on the bones of a long-dead empire, after all.



I know this won't really come out as a shock to any of you, but I've decided to hold up to my end of the bargain and go on with developing the Video Devlog idea I brought up a couple of weeks ago. While I understand this may take a little bit of time of development away, I think it'll be a far more engaging way for all of you to get a visual look and understanding of my thought process when working on this game, as well as a way to recap and showcase everything that's been worked on in the previous month and show how the changes will affect the future of the game as a whole. The format I'm thinking for this is that I'll start things off with a quick introduction, talk about the Kickstarter campaign as a whole, talk about the work I've done with Ishani Bazaar so far, talking about the changes that have been made since the last demo's release, before finally wrapping things off with a farewell. There will be a few other things I plan to work on over this week and the next, but I'll keep it all fairly hush-hush until then. Until then, feel free to gush at the pictures I've taken so far.


That's about it for this week's Devlog. Sorry this one was a bit shorter than the last, but I wanted to keep things fairly minimal so that the video Devlog next Tuesday will have A LOT more to show when the time comes. Also, we still only have a couple more days left until the Kickstarter Campaign ends, so feel free to keep posting news about this game to everyone you know and see if we can break big at the last stretch. Until then, I hope all of you have a wonderful day/evening and I'll speak to you again very soon before the campaign's end.

Kind regards,
Angus (Sangos)


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