NIRAVASI: 20% funded on Kickstarter!

Hi everyone,

This isn't going to be like the announcements I usually make, but more of a massive thank you for all the people that have backed this project so far, as well as the people that have been following it. It hasn't even been a week since I first posted NIRAVASI's Kickstarter campaign online and the project's already reached the 20% mark!

There are no words to describe how happy and thankful I am to all of you that have taken such a liking to this project. I'll admit, I was hesitant about posting this game publicly like this in case that it wasn't something people would enjoy. But after receiving such amazing support and seeing 20% of the funding met, it's clear to me that this is project that people are happy to see made into a reality!

I'll have more things to talk about this coming Tuesday like I usually do for my weekly Devlogs, but this time I'll be sure to include those of you on in the weekly Devlogs this time. Again, thank you so much for having faith in this project and I can't wait to show you all the progress I'll be making over the coming weeks!

Be sure to give the Kickstarter page a look if you haven't already:

Kind regards,


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